Un-Canceled Project Week 5: Courage Un-Canceled

Un-Canceled Project Week 5: Courage Un-Canceled - Virtual Fitness Challenge Blog | Run The Edge

Welcome to Week 5 of the Un-Canceled Project, Run The Edge’s free virtual challenge series that allows everyone to safely complete their canceled races, meetups, and events! In case you missed it, you can read about the last weeks’ themes here

Most of us have never experienced a time as uncertain as the one we are in right now, and uncertainty is frightening. It’s okay to feel fear and apprehension as we do our best to navigate this turbulent era. It’s okay to not be fully optimistic about the future right now. It’s okay to admit that we don’t have all the answers. What we do have is our un-cancelable human quality of the week: courage. Courage isn’t flashy bravery, nor is it constant positivity about the future. Courage is being able to forge ahead and try our best despite the fear. It is admitting that we feel fear, but not letting it dictate our lives. This week, share your courage with the world and acknowledge what keeps you strong when the going gets tough! 

We at Run The Edge feel courage knowing that so many of you are out there taking on this difficult situation and making the best of it. We are so proud of this community and the bravery we have seen from every single one of you in the past few weeks!

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