About The Kinesis Strength Challenge
This series of strength exercises is crafted to be used as a holistic weekly approach to training. The program was designed through a collaborative effort by leading industry experts (see their bios below!). Every part of the program was specifically selected and sequenced to help you get the most out of it!
How To Use This Program:
The program is meant to be a perfect balance of strength, recovery and prehab. The goal is to support your running with enough strength to get you stronger and enough recovery/rehab to keep you injury free!
The sessions are best used in format as planned with Wednesday being an off day. This means no planned workout, but you can definitely go for a walk or do some yoga!
There are 3 key strength sessions, 2 active recovery days and 1 activation day. We recommend getting at least 2 strength sessions, 1 active recovery day in a week. The activation session can be used at your discretion before a run. Never do 2 strength sessions on back to back days!
General rule of thumb: Hard days hard, easy days easy!
As always consistency is king, so as long as you get checking off a couple of these boxes a week, you are on your way to success!

Sunday: Active Recovery Program + 1 Mile Run/Walk
Do 2 rounds as a ciruit with 1:00 rest in between:
90/90 Hip Mobility - 5 reps per side (bodyweight)
Tripod Bridge - 10 reps (bodyweight)
Adductor Rocks -15 reps per side (bodyweight to #15 weight)
Rest as needed then do 2 rounds as a ciruit with 1:00 rest in between:
Heel Drops - 10-15 reps (bodyweight)
Downward Dog Lunge to Rotation - 20 alternating (bodyweight)
Side Plank - 30 seconds per side

Monday: Strength Hinge-Pull + Harder 4 Mile Run/Walk
Do 2 rounds as a ciruit with 1:00 rest in between:
Hip Drives - 10 / direction (bodyweight)
Deadlift - 15 / side (20-40lbs)
Triple hop - 10 total (bodyweight)
Rest as needed then do 2 rounds as a ciruit with 1:00 rest in between:
Quadruped Row - 10 / side (10-30lbs)
Single Leg Glute Bridge - 10-15 / side (bodyweight)
Single Leg Y-Raise - 8 / side (bodyweight - 10lbs)

Tuesday: Activation + 3 Mile Run/Walk
Do 2 rounds as circuit with 1:00 rest in between:
Fire Hyrdrants to Runners Pose - 10 / side w/MiniBand
Slow Lunge Weight Shifts - 10 / side (bodyweight)
Single Leg RDLs to Heel Raise - 10 / side (bodyweight)
Hop and Sticks - 5 per side (bodyweight)
A skips - 10 / side (bodyweight)
REST: 1:00

Wednesday: OFF! No Workout!

Thursday: Strength Squat-Push + Harder 5 Mile Run/Walk
Do 2 rounds as a ciruit with 1:00 rest in between:
Downward Dog Lunge to Rotation - 5 on each side (bodyweight)
Ground Up Side Load Squat - 7 on each side (20-30 lbs)
Squat Jumps - 10 total (bodyweight)
Rest as needed then do 2 rounds as a ciruit with 1:00 rest in between:
Assisted Pushup - 10 total (Bodyweight)
Sit to Stand - 10 on each side (bodyweight)
Bent Leg Calf Raise - 7-10 on each side (bodyweight)

Friday: Active Recovery Program + 2 Mile Run/Walk
Do 2 rounds as a ciruit with 1:00 rest in between:
Downward Dog Lunge to Rotation - 5 on each side (bodyweight)
Ground Up Side Load Squat - 7 on each side (20-30 lbs)
Squat Jumps - 10 total (bodyweight)
Rest as needed then do 2 rounds as a ciruit with 1:00 rest in between:
Assisted Pushup - 10 total (Bodyweight)
Sit to Stand - 10 on each side (bodyweight)
Bent Leg Calf Raise - 7-10 on each side (bodyweight)

Saturday: Prehab Strength + 6 Mile Run/Walk
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