Now that you know what Globally Organized Hug A Runner Day is, you’ll need to know how to participate! And you’ll definitely need to know how to hug other runners (yes, there is a protocol to follow!)! Whether you do or do not want to hug other runners, or even be hugged, there’s something for every runner this Hug A Runner Day.
1. You can participate in Run The Edge’s Hug A Runner 5K for $5K Challenge!
10 days, 10 5Ks, 10 chances to win $500, and unlimited hugs (if you want!). Every year, we host the Hug A Runner 5K for $5K Challenge leading up to Globally Organized Hug A Runner Day on November 20th where we raise a minimum of $5,000 for charity and give away $500 to a participant every day from November 11th to November 20th! All you have to do is run or walk a 5K, and you’ll be entered to win each day you complete a 5K.
Each year, we partner with a charity to donate 100% of the registration proceeds. This year, we’re raising money for Mind Over Mountains, a mental health charity offering support through accessible therapeutic outdoor experiences. You may recognize them from our initial JOGLE Challenge charity partner!
2. You can hug your favorite runners (with permission of course!)
Last year in 2021, we still hosted the Hug A Runner Challenge, but instead, it was Don’t Hug A Runner YET, for safety purposes. After not hugging other runners for so long, you may be intimated and wondering the best ways to do it! Don’t worry, we have this handy tutorial that can walk you through exactly how to hug other runners!
How to properly hug other runners:
Step 1: Face the other runner and raise your right hand higher than your left, tilt your head to one side, and move in.
Step 2: Pat your hugging partner on the back twice. The pat is a technique that will signal to your hugging partner that it is time for the hug to end. Simply give your partner two quick pats on the back, then break. Nothing is worse than getting involved with a hug where one partner thinks it’s time for the hug to come to an end and the other doesn’t.
- To ensure you’re never the person holding on too long, you can practice the hug and release.
Hugging alternatives
There will likely be people who don’t want to return your hug, and that’s okay! If they don’t reciprocate, you can always try:
- The High Five
- The Nod
- Finger Guns
- The Long Stare
Hugs to avoid
Never plan on executing the always-in-poor taste Sandwich Hug - this one makes all parties involved feel uncomfortable and may be a little too sweaty.
If you want to share your hugs on social, be sure to tag @_runtheedge_ on Instagram, @RunTheEdge on Twitter and Facebook, and #hugarunner and #gohard
3. Snag some Hug A Runner swag

- You’re a runner (remember no matter how fast or far you go you are a runner!)
- You’re open to giving or receiving hugs or hug-alternatives
- You’re raising money for charity
- You are spreading positivity and connecting the community
4. Do a random act of kindness!
This holiday is all about connecting the community and spreading positivity, and what’s a better way to do that than a random act of kindness? A random act of kindness is an unplanned action with the purpose of offering kindness to the outside world. Here are 10 of our favorites:
- Buy coffee for the person in line behind you at the coffee shop
- Plant a tree
- Participate in a charity run (like this one!)
- Put coins into an expired parking meter
- Pick up trash on the street or in the park
- Write a thank-you note to someone who has positively impacted you
- Scrape ice or snow off of a neighbor’s car
- Build a “free-little-library” box in your yard
- Bring your neighbor cookies
- Bring a new bag of gummy bears into your office for coworkers (our personal fave)
From learning what Globally Organized Hug A Runner Day is to how to actually participate, you should have all the info you need! Sign up for our Hug A Runner Day Challenge, snag your swag, and let’s get hugging!